Grievance Policy

MindHug Grievance Policy
1. Purpose and Application
1.1. Purpose
The purpose of a grievance procedure is to enable employees and contractors of MindHug Ltd to raise a work-related problem, concern, or complaint and to have the matter dealt with as quickly and fairly as possible.
1.2. Application
This document applies to all employees and directors of MindHug Ltd and all contractors of MindHug Ltd worldwide.
2. Definitions
In this document, you and like expressions means each of our employees, contractors and directors, and we and like expressions means MindHug Ltd.
3. Policy Statement
3.1. Informally Raising a Grievance
Many work-place issues can be resolved quickly and easily by taking informal action. If it is not appropriate to raise your grievance informally, or your grievance has not been resolved to your satisfaction through informal action, you should use the formal grievance procedure.
3.2. Formally Raising a Grievance
3.2.1. Stage 1
You should put your grievance in writing, without unreasonable delay, and send it to your line manager. If your grievance involves your line manager, then you should send your grievance to your Director. If you are unable / uncomfortable submitting your grievance to your line manager or Director, then you may submit your grievance to the Company Secretary.
The appropriate manager or Director will arrange a meeting with you to discuss your grievance, normally within 5 working days of receiving your complaint. You will be given the opportunity to explain your grievance and how you think it should be resolved. The person hearing your complaint will listen carefully to what you have to say and will discuss the matter thoroughly with you. Your complaint may need to be investigated further and you will be advised if this is the case. After your grievance has been fully investigated, you will be notified in writing of the outcome and of any action to be taken to resolve your grievance. This response will normally be given to you in writing, within 5 working days of the meeting. If it is anticipated that the response will take longer you will be informed of this and of the expected timescale. You will also be informed of your right to appeal if you are dissatisfied with the outcome.
3.2.2. Stage 2 (if required)
If you are dissatisfied with the handling of your grievance at Stage 1, you can appeal in writing to a Director, the Company Secretary or the CEO. An appeal officer will be appointed to consider your appeal and, normally within 5 working days of receiving your appeal, will arrange a meeting with you to discuss your appeal. The appeal officer will listen carefully to what you have to say and will discuss the matter thoroughly with you. The appeal officer may want to investigate your complaint further and you will be advised if this is the case. After your appeal has been investigated, you will be advised, in writing of the outcome. This response will normally be given to you in writing, within 5 working days of the appeal meeting. If it is anticipated that the response will take longer you will be informed of this and of the expected timescale. You will have no further right of appeal. During all stages of the formal grievance procedure you will be provided with copies of notes as soon as they become available.
3.2.3. Right to be accompanied
In addition to your statutory right to be accompanied by a work colleague or representative at formal grievance meetings in certain circumstances, we will allow you to be accompanied at formal meetings unless it is unreasonable or inappropriate for your chosen companion to attend in the circumstances. If you wish to be accompanied, please make your request to the person hearing your grievance who will confirm whether it is permitted.
3.2.4. Former Employees and Former Contractors
If you wish to raise a grievance after you have left the Company or after your contract with the Company has ended please forward it in writing to a senior manager. The Company is not obliged to investigate or respond to your complaint but we may decide to do so if it is deemed appropriate.
4. Related Documents
MindHug Anti-Bribery Policy